


南大中文系毕业生的英文水平,确实有如邬同学说的那么差劲吗? 据我所知,来自中文系的毕业生都和其他系的毕业生一样,得在‘A’水准考试中英文及格,方可进入南大,他们的英文水平和其他学系学生不分上下。扎实的英文基础加上选修中文,他们之中不乏兼备中英双语能力的佼佼者。





1 条评论:

  1. Dear 海郢,

    You are invited to participate in a research study. The Institute of Policy Studies is conducting a baseline analysis of the Chinese blogosphere.

    While much has been discussed about English blogs, very little attention has been given to non-English blogs. As part of our study, we are conducting a survey to find out more about Chinese bloggers’ blogging practices, topics of interest and motivations for blogging.

    If you are interested to find out more about the survey, please contact me at sim.juiliang@nus.edu.sg and I will send you a link to the study.

    The survey will last 15-20 minutes. Your participation will be an invaluable contribution to the first study on the Chinese blogosphere.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thank you.

    Sim Jui Liang
    Research Assistant
    Institute of Policy Studies
    National University of Singapore
